Dick Grayson asks, “I’m curious, what is your political stance?”

I suppose it was only a matter of time before someone asked me this, but as my first question?

All right, why not?

I’m a registered Democrat and therefore, as you might expect, that means absolutely nothing. Let me begin with a short, but true anecdote:

(Open curtain. Obama/Biden campaign advocate approaches door from stage front with poor roped-along child carrying sign. Knocks.)

Wix: Oh! I bet that’s Aly! (move to door and open it jovially) Hey- Oh. Right.

CA: Good morning-

Wix: No such thing.

CA: -we’re going door to door to make sure people realize who the right vote is.

Wix: Ah.

CA: Don’t you want a leader who isn’t a chameleon, changing his stance on crucial matters each day? Don’t you believe America deserves someone who is honest and transparent in his motives and plans for a better future?

Wix: Sure!

Roped-along Child: (Stare morosely straight ahead with tortured expression.)

CA: Then surely you realize Romney’s plans for America attack the middle class and will increase taxation so the rich get a break. Do you believe someone who would deny healthcare to the people who need it most should be in charge of our country? Would you let someone who is duplicitous, underhanded, and pursues secret agendas run our country? You do intend to vote come Election Day, don’t you?

Wix: You know I was going to at first but all this has me a little confused.

CA: Why’s that?

Wix: Because it sounds to me like you’re defining a politician. Like, every politician. Ever. Obama is one of those, right?

CA: Yes, but he isn’t-

Wix: Of course he is. You can’t be open in politics, you can’t tell everyone everything you plan on doing, and you certainly can’t make everyone happy. And that’s fine, so long as you can be a leader that holds this country together, but so far I haven’t heard any such things. I’ve heard about how awful and horrible Mitt Romney is, how he is the anti-Christ of humanity who wants to publicly execute old people, but I’ve also heard how Obama is going to destroy every value this country stands for, strip away our rights, and turn the US into an oppressive communist city-state. You know what I haven’t heard? Much of anything good about either of them.

Roped-along Child: (Drop sign slightly to the side.)

Wix: At the start of this election year I was planning to vote for Obama—well, no, actually I was for Ron Paul, then Newt Gingrich, THEN Obama when he was the only one left—only because he had not resorted to the mudslinging tactics Romney had opened up strong with, but now Obama is right up there with the ridiculous personal attacks and misleading information about campaign angles. Politics has gone from, “You should vote for me because I’m an amazing leader,” to, “Whatever you do, don’t vote for him, he’s horrid!” The problem with this is that no matter who wins we’re apparently being led by the least qualified person in the universe to run a country.

CA: (stare ahead dumbfounded for a few moments) Well I just hope when Election Day comes you’ll make the right choice.

Wix: If I’m forced to the ballots, I’ll probably vote for Obama, but only because I have a backup philosophy that if the world hasn’t burst into flames under current leadership, then SOMETHING is being done right.

CA: Well have a good afternoon then.

Wix: Thank you! You too!

Roped-along Child: (Give one last sad stare before hesitantly following CA off stage left.)



And let me end with that short but true anecdote.

